The Association of Caravan Clubs of Victoria and their Members Inc.
Mission Statement
The Association of Caravan Clubs of Victoria and their Members Inc’s mission is to promote caravan clubs to the community, to represent affiliated caravan clubs at public, industry and government forums, to assist all members to safely enjoy the caravanning and camping lifestyle.
The Caravan, Camping and Motorhome Clubs of Victoria are represented at a state level by The Association of Caravan Clubs of Victoria and their Members Inc. (ACCVic)
The aims of the Association of Caravan Clubs of Victoria Inc. are:
- To encourage the pastime of caravanning.
- To guard the interests of member clubs and their members.
- To act with similar bodies and other state associations in any manner affecting their mutual interest.
- To encourage and promote friendship and co-operation between members and other clubs
- To encourage all members to act in an environmentally and socially responsible manner whilst engaged in caravanning activities
- To promote safe towing practices
- To stimulate the invention, design and adaption of appliances.
- To assist and advise manufacturers, where possible.
ACCVic is a member of the National Association of Caravan Clubs, NACC, which is the National organisation representing the individual state associations of caravan clubs on matters affecting all caravanners.
ACCVic comprises two delegates from each club who meet four times a year. At the AGM, held in May of each year, the delegates elect a President, Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and committee members to form the executive of the Association.
A newsletter is published after each meeting to inform all members from the state of all developments, events and decisions discussed at meetings.
ACCVic will run combined club rallies.
Also on a rotational basis, ACCVic is responsible for organising a National Rally, the last held in Victoria in December 2010. Our next turn is 2028.
The Benefits to Members of Caravan Clubs of belonging to ACCVic include:
- To give caravanners a stronger voice
- Access to National Rallies.
- Public Liability Insurance via NACC – otherwise clubs would need to arrange their own PLI if not members of AccVic.
- Advise clubs of changes to State & National Towing and Road regulations
- Update members of Safety News Items for RVers
- Advise clubs of any changes to facilities and policies at Caravan Parks throughout Victoria
- Receive information about activities that are advised to AccVic but not necessarily to individual clubs – eg. Caravan Shows, interstate activities and developments in caravanning.
- Address member concerns through their club delegates.